Just a mom writing about the randomness of life and how being mom is full of laughter, tears, fears and happiness. Living it out one gray hair at a time.

Tag Archives: Child Crafts

I’ve been looking for a spring/Easter project to do with my daughter. In comes good old Pinterest. I found this…Paint Filled Egg Canvas

Boy, did I pick the wrong craft to do with this maniac child. First let me show you how to do the project (if you would like to attempt this with your children) and then I will show you the aftermath of what happened.

1. Take your canvas and paint the whole thing with white paint. I use gesso acrylique paint because it is thick and absorbs quickly.


2. Then decide how many colors you want to use on your canvas. We chose 5 different colors. You will be using 1 color per egg.


3. Next, using a butter knife, lightly hit the top of the egg and create a medium sized hole. Empty all the contents of the egg. Clean the inside with soap and warm water and lightly pat dry.


4. Fill each egg with the paints you chose.


5. Now you are going to need tissue paper and a glue stick. Cut small squares, large enough to cover the hole and approximately half of the egg.


6. Put glue over the tissue and cover the egg with the tissue paper.


7. Now comes the fun, messy part. Find a good spot for the canvas. This is extremely important! Trust me, you will see later.


8. Arm your child with a paint filled egg.


9. Let it go! (No no…stop singing…or I’ll join in. Damn…too late)


10. You can throw the eggs multiple times onto the canvas. It takes quite a few throws for the eggs to be completely cracked. A little advice, the closer you stand to the canvas the better.



You end up with a really cool looking piece of art that you and your child can create together!

Now, going back to the whole…Pick a good spot for your canvas…bit. I placed the canvas on our top lawn against a tree. Paint would end up on the lawn. It was far enough away from the fence, or so I thought until THIS happened…




My daughter must have forgotten she was making art and not playing baseball. She was literally a foot away from the canvas and it ended up 4 feet away on my fence. Needless to say, I was a little irritated at this. Then she decided to wipe her painted hands onto her pants. So…now she has painting/craft pants and I have a new weekend project, sanding down my fence. Woohoo! 


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